hollyoaks harry body found

He was murdered by Breda McQueen in July 2019 after she stabbed him in the stomach with a chisel. However, the truth about her crimes could be set to out, as Harry’s body is finally discovered in upcoming scenes — and it’s all thanks to Tony Hutchinson (Nick Pickard). Tony … When Lockie Campbell went missing after a clash with his brother Cameron in 2016, actor Nick Rhys only gave his full farewell interview after his character's body had been found months later. He’s still got to be good because Breda says to him that if he makes any noise she’s taking him straight back to the pig pen and he fears for his life, so he has to play her a bit, but he’s in pieces.’,‘It’s his son’s final resting place – he knows he’s dead now – maybe until that point he thought there might be a little bit of hope that he’s still alive, but he’s dead and he breaks down on the ground and has a good old cry.’.Filled with emotion, Tony prays that someone will come along and discover his son’s body, which gives him an idea, so he formulates a plan to ensure that such a wish will come true.Later in the week, Goldie (Chelsee Healey) stumbles upon the grave. Stephen Patterson Saturday 10 Aug 2019 10:01 pm. Breda is shocked to learn about what’s transpired, but her fears worsen when Jack informs her that the police will no doubt be able to extract fingerprints — and thus be able to find the killer.Will she resort to drastic measures to keep her secret hidden?

It’s good that Harry’s been found but not for Tony because he might be off-ed by Breda, so he’s panicking.’.Could Chester’s resident serial killer finish the job and perhaps kill Tony for real this time?Includes exclusive content, spoilers and interviews before they're seen on the site.Hollyoaks star reveals Peri and Juliet passion and 25th anniversary episodes,Hollyoaks spoilers: Joy for Sienna and Brody as Liberty gives birth,Hollyoaks spoilers: Juliet makes a dangerous proposal to drug dealer Victor,Kim Kardashian 'happy' to return to LA as Kanye West stays in Wyoming.Games Inbox: What is the perfect length for a video game?Kate Garraway opens up on celebrating husband Derek's 'challenging' birthday,Five incredible off-the-beaten-track Greek isles to jet to.Hollyoaks spoilers: Leela Lomax and Jordan Price exit on a romantic trip away?Hollyoaks star Alex Fletcher teases Christmas storyline with vibrant new hair colour.Hollyoaks spoilers: Shock passion for Warren Fox and Sienna Blake as Liberty Savage gives birth?Hollyoaks spoilers: Joy for Sienna Blake and Brody Hudson as Liberty Savage gives birth,Hollyoaks star Kirsty-Leigh Porter reveals body bag death ‘could literally be anyone’,will come to a head in a special one-off revival of Hollyoaks Later. They set off into the woods, and the villainous granny points out where she buried the young man’s body to his grieving father — and Tony is left distraught as a result.On Tony having the opportunity to visit Harry’s final resting place, actor Nick Pickard said: ‘It’s horrible for him and he breaks down. Since her arrival in Chester last year, Breda has taken it upon herself to rid the village of those whom she believes are neglecting their children — and she’s wracked up quite a list of victims thus far. Share this … Louis Loveday (Karl Collins), Russ Owen (Stuart Manning), Carl Costello (Bob Cryer), Mac Nightingale (David Easter) and.However, in spite of the amount of people she’s killed, the villainous granny has so far managed to evade justice for her crimes, but that could all be set to change in the coming episodes, as Jack (Jimmy McKenna) and Goldie (Chelsee Healey) make a shocking discovery.Whilst fishing in the folly, Jack pulls up a dead body — and Goldie is left horrified. Harry Thompson was the son of Tessie Thompson and Tony Hutchinson. He was also the separated husband of Ste Hay, the boyfriend of James Nightingale and father of Isaac. With nobody else to talk to, he opens up to Breda, telling her that he feels as if he’s grieving for not only Harry, but for all his kids, as he’ll never see any of them again.After their conversation, Breda feels for Tony and thus she agrees to take him to visit Harry’s final resting place. As a result of her actions, we’ve no idea how she disposed of his body, so there’s very much a possibility that it could be his remains that are discovered in the folly.Also, let’s not forget that Breda was forced to move Louis’ corpse from the pig farm following Juliet (Niamh Blackshaw), Ollie (Aeden Duckworth), Brooke (Talia Grant) and Imran’s (Ijaz Rana) drinking session, so could it perhaps be his body?Or perhaps it’s a new victim that we’re not currently aware of? The question is: will Tony face ramifications from Breda for what he’s done?Nick said: ‘He thinks Breda’s going to kill him because of what he’s done to help that along. Tony can’t stop thinking about the fact that Harry is dead, and he struggles to cope as a result. What’s more, will she exact revenge on Jack for making the discovery in the first place?Of course, the biggest question is: whose body is it?The villagers still very much believe that Harry’s alive as Breda got rid of the evidence of his murder. Hollyoaks spoilers: Breda McQueen caught as a dead body is pulled out of the water? We are in the middle of a #KillerSummer, after all!Includes exclusive content, spoilers and interviews before they're seen on the site.Kim Kardashian 'happy' to return to LA as Kanye West stays in Wyoming.Games Inbox: What is the perfect length for a video game?Kate Garraway opens up on celebrating husband Derek's 'challenging' birthday,Five incredible off-the-beaten-track Greek isles to jet to.Hollyoaks spoilers: Leela Lomax and Jordan Price exit on a romantic trip away?Hollyoaks star Alex Fletcher teases Christmas storyline with vibrant new hair colour.Hollyoaks spoilers: Shock passion for Warren Fox and Sienna Blake as Liberty Savage gives birth?Hollyoaks spoilers: Joy for Sienna Blake and Brody Hudson as Liberty Savage gives birth,Hollyoaks star Kirsty-Leigh Porter reveals body bag death ‘could literally be anyone’.