mcdowell's no 1 whisky review

McDowell's No. 1 blend with both Scotch and Indian whiskies made by United Spirits in India and bottled at 42.8 ABV. This entry was posted on January 25, 2017 at 9:00 am and is filed under Indian Whisky, Whisk(e)y, Whisk(e)y Review. The McDowell's No 1. Rated 3.00 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating.
my family name is McDowell and I was hoping to buy a bottle for my dad. Tonight I am tasting the McDowell's No. No age statement and no idea how much of it is Scotch and how much of it is Indian malts.Taste - Toffee, chocolate and coffee flavored hard candy.It is supposedly the #1 Whisky in India and #3 selling in the world. The brand is named for Angus McDowell, a … Tagged: Bourbon Review, Diageo, India, McDowell's, No. Click the Image for Great Interviews with the Movers of Industry,Click on the Image to see my interview on Good Food Revolution.Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.McDowell’s No. I am not real fussy with my whiskies and tend to like a variety of tastes and styles so I find it hard to say I don't like it or that it is my favorite. McDowells No 1 Whiskey, Platinum $ 3.68 $ 4.90 / 1000ml.

Good on ya.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast.a subreddit for Scotch enthusiasts of all walks of life and of all levels of knowledge on anything Scotch Whisky related.Press J to jump to the feed. I was at my local liquor store browsing and spotted this and figured for $30 Canadian I would give it a try. Whisky in isolation is the second largest whisky brand by volume, behind Officer's Choice, also from India. Tonight I am tasting the McDowell's No. The McDowell's No 1. Hello this is my first review. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts.Cookies help us deliver our Services. These original works may not be copied or reused in any way whatsoever without the permission of the author, Chip Dykstra.Post was not sent - check your email addresses!Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email.Follow The Rum Howler Blog on a free website or blog at

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Thus, all of the work produced on this blog is protected by copyright, including all of the pictures and all of the articles.
You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. any help finding somewhere on the interwebs that can mail to Ireland would be awesome.I bought it at my local store in New Brunswick, Canada. 1 Whisky Review | #WhiskyWednesday - YouTube 1 Reserve, United Spirits Limited, USL, Whisky. It is their best-selling spirit with sales of over 53 million cases per year, and is produced from a blending of both imported Scotch whiskies and selected Indian malts and grain spirits.Here is a link to my latest whisky review:Please enjoy my review which includes a very nice tall cocktail,This entry was posted on January 25, 2017 at 9:00 am and is filed under.Sorry, the comment form is closed at this time.Copyright is inherent when an original work is created. 1 Whisky is described on the USL website as the flagship brand of the company. Hello this is my first review. 1 blend with both Scotch and Indian whiskies made by United Spirits in India and bottled at 42.8 ABV. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. This is a bottle that will probably not be replaced when finished but I will enjoy it while it last.I was wondering where you were able to find this whiskey. Not sure where else it is available.I like these reviews of less common scotches. Mcdowells No.1 Platinum Reserve Whisky. So often I find the reviews on this subreddit of the mainstream or higher end scotches boring, pretentious, or outright wrong according to my tastebuds. Both comments and pings are currently closed. Compare vintages. This copyright protection not only exists in North America, but extends to other countries as well. I have never done this before so I will keep it simple and short hoping others who have tried it may comment as well. Tried a second glass with a bit of water and it made no noticeable change other than being less spicy at the end.

For the price it will be a bottle I will drink on nights I have no real preference and just want a dram of something. Whisky in isolation is the second largest whisky brand by volume, behind Officer's Choice, also from India. ... Be the first person to review this product. I came on here to see if it was reviewed before and did not find anything so I thought I would add it. I came on here to see if it was reviewed before and did not find anything so I thought I would add it.