mimicry in a sentence

5. : 2: Most people are other people. 37 sentence examples: 1. Aposematism and apostatic selection is used to explain defensive signaling like Batesian mimicry … Such mimicry is termed M … It's difficult to see mimicry in a sentence . She paused for the phrase, then made a gesture in mimicry of his, that included the Big House and its treasures, and said, All this does not influence me a particle.. 2. There was a mimicry of reality about them that was somehow disturbing. This is not simple mimicry, which would only entail being the same bright colour as a distasteful species. 3 2 -33 (",Garrick brought to the meetings his inexhaustible pleasantry, his incomparable,Significantly, postcolonial theorists have seen,These antibodies will be used in the study of molecular,We are testing the hypothesis that all Maculinea and Microdon species employ chemical,However, more recently analyzed data have indicated that the viceroy is also unpalatable and thus the pair is an example of Müllerian,Full text available as: PDF Abstract Ideas about the evolution of imperfect,He's also a highly entertaining companion, with a gift for accurate,There is strong indirect, and some direct, evidence that this is achieved through chemical,The phenomena, known as "protective resemblance," or similarity to inanimate objects or vegetation, and the kindred phenomenon of ",It has been claimed that the resemblance between some of the Oriental tree-shrews of the genus Tupaia and squirrels comes under the category of aggressive,It shows how much the gift of writing is, in the early stages of its development, the gift of.To others they are symbolic of cunningness.The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Dolphins have a remarkable capacity for vocal 2. Emotional contagion is linked to facial mimicry in humans and primates. : Take the oft-cited classic case of Batesian mimicry involving the dead-ringer resemblance between monarch and viceroy butterflies. The scornful mimicry of a supposedly distinctive accent may not be as bad-minded as Bernard jeering at the speech-patterns of others. 2. Disturbed by Michael's mimicry, Ryan shaves it off. He has a gift for mimicry. Parrots specialize in vocal mimicry. I happen to have the talent of mimicry. During the talent show, the boy won the audience over when he performed a mimicry of his favorite rapper. Cleverness , can accept, comprehend, control quickly to the thing with usage, excel mimicry and creation. 3.

Mimetic aggregations of species similar to those mentioned above have been found in other countries; but the instances cited are sufficient to show how widespread are the influences of,P. mimicry. All Rights Reserved.

Mimicry; 1. 19. “Sleepy, sleepy,” she twittered in mimicry of drowsy birds.. the act of mirroring an action or behavior.During the talent show, the boy won the audience over when he performed a mimicry of his favorite rapper.Bill acted out the perfect mimicry of a woman when he pranced down the aisle wearing high heels and a tight dress.When the student started to talk like the teacher during a mimicry, she made her classmates laugh.The comedian’s strongest talent is her ability to sound like other people in a mimicry.Through a mimicry, a toddler will often imitate his parents’ actions.
sentence; 1: Her performance is astonishing and all but flawless; a masterpiece of mimicry which re-imagines Thatcher in all her half-forgotten glory.

Definition of Mimicry. Their thoughts are someone elses opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.

Mimicry in a sentence. 46. His performance digs deeper than mere mimicry, burrowing into his character's wounded soul. They say that mimicry is the sincerest form of flattery ….
Mimicry sentence examples. Among mammalia there are no certain cases of mimicry known.

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Sentence with the word mimicry. Mimicry seems to be one foundation of emotional movement between people. Examples of Mimicry in a sentence.