oscar winners best actress

By the age of four, her mother had her enrolled in ballet school which fostered a ...Character actress Shirley Booth could play everything in all facets of show business, whether it was Miss Duffy the Tavern Owner's Man Crazy Daughter on "Duffy's Tavern", the sassy maid on TV's.Audrey Hepburn was born as Audrey Kathleen Ruston on May 4, 1929 in Ixelles, Brussels, Belgium. She was born Jessie Alice ...Multi-talented, multi-award-winning actress Kathleen (Doyle) Bates was born on June 28, 1948, and raised in Memphis, Tennessee. There’s real grit underneath the shag haircut and thigh-high boots, though; see the discotheque scene, where her entire body vibrates with a desperate mix of hope, terror, and determination. Her parents were Emilie (Königsberger) and Heinrich Rainer, a businessman. Her Scottish mother, Margaret (Hutton), worked as a secretary, and her English father, Nathaniel Smith, was a teacher at Oxford University. The British actress has made a point of eschewing straightforward pretty-girl parts in favor of more devilish damsels; as a result, she's built an eclectic resume that runs the gamut...Sandra Annette Bullock was born in Arlington, a Virginia suburb of Washington, D.C. Vernon Weir McDormand, a Disciples of Christ minister from Nova Scotia, who raised her in the suburbs of Pittsburgh. Every delivery has a potent subtext. Socialite-on-the-run Ellie is equal parts disreputably decadent and spunky-cool, the perfect love-hate match for Clark Gable's sozzled cynic reporter. As Bree Daniels, a high-class call girl and aspiring actress possibly marked for murder, she’s tough but vulnerable, streetwise but aching for approval. When she was only eight years old, and after her parents filed for divorce, she lost her father prematurely. When Coney Island’s most neurotic Jew meets the shiksa goddess of Chippewa Falls, Wisc., and falls in love, movie fans got one of the most magically mismatched couples of all time. Her sister, Joan, later to become famous as,Sweet, sweeter, sweetest. But the genius of Hunter here is how she makes Ada both mysterious.The secret to playing a villain, actors often say, is not to play them as a villain. She’s talking to a colleague who has misread a bloody, snowbound crime scene, but she leaves her gloves on. Bergman’s brilliance lies in her ability to project, in just a few early scenes, Paula’s intelligence and stability, so that her growing terror as she loses her ability to trust her own mind mirrors our own. But nothing can match her performance in,Bette Davis may have had more iconic roles during her illustrous career, but her turn as a headstrong Southern belle in.“I’m not sure I agree 100 percent with your police work, there, Lou.” No single line embodies both the overflowing kindness and fierce competence of small town Brainerd’s chief of police, Marge Gunderson. Smith has been married twice: to actor.For "The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie" (1969).Few in modern British history have come as far or achieved as much from humble beginnings as Glenda Jackson has. She is of Irish, French/French-Canadian, Pennsylvania Dutch (German), and Native American ancestry.. She worked a number of jobs before she became an actress. Offers may be subject to change without notice.30 essential albums from the last 30 years. Eyes wide, panting near panic, Foster perfectly captures the audience’s own fear of being alone in the dark with a monster.At the center of one of the best, and most unnerving, psychological thrillers ever made, Ingrid Bergman stars as Paula Alquist, a young bride who is slowly, methodically manipulated by her new husband (Charles Boyer) into believing that she is going mad.

It comes as no surprise to the audience when she shows her true terrible colors, but the genius of Fletcher’s performance is that you know Ratched doesn’t believe them to be terrible at all.Woody Allen clipped his Jasmine out of the pages of Tennessee Williams, but Cate Blanchett’s commanding performance is more than just a well-crafted homage to the delusional Blanche DuBois. But Shirley MacLaine takes things to a whole other level when Aurora — who audiences could be forgiven for initially dismissing as vapid and self-absorbed mother — takes our heartstrings and refuses to let go. She grew up in Knoxville, Tennessee, where she attended high school. ...Helen Hunt began studying acting at the age of eight with her father, respected director and acting coach,A tall, wafer thin, delicate beauty, Gwyneth Kate Paltrow was born in Los Angeles, the daughter of noted producer and director.Hilary was born in Lincoln, Nebraska, to Judith Kay (Clough), a secretary, and Stephen Michael Swank, who served in the National Guard and was also a traveling salesman. Within a movie full of Kleenex moments, this is the big one.The Great American Screwball Heroine. So woe to the fool who wants to sift through those wonderful Oscar-winning roles and then presume to separate the staggering and stupendous from the merely excellent.We are those fools. As a child, she & her parents moved to San Francisco, California, where she graduated from high school in 1923. Best Actress Oscar Winners. As a ...If a film were made of the life of Vivien Leigh, it would open in India just before World War I, where a successful British businessman could live like a prince. It wasn't an easy life; ...Olivia Mary de Havilland was born July 1, 1916, in Tokyo, Japan, to British parents, Lilian Augusta (Ruse), a former actress, and Walter Augustus de Havilland, an English professor and patent attorney.