polly nirvana

The lyrics follow the perspective of a rapist who, having tied up a girl, now fluctuates between treating her as his pet and absentmindedly torturing her. Then G5, B flat 5, D5, E5 for the choruses.In the chorus, an unobtrusive bass enters on the low end and Cobain adds a vocal harmony on a high end. It is the sixth song on their second album Nevermind, released in September 1991. “The problem with groups who deal with rape is that they try to educate women about how to defend themselves. She managed to escape when Friend took her for a ride and stopped for gas. She looked out the window and saw a football pitch full of boys, and thought those are the people that should really be in this class.”.Although Cobain’s views were deeply rooted in politics, his true genius was as an artist. And it happens every few minutes,” Kurt says. “Polly” is a song designed, in other words, to give Cobain access inside your head.The surprising and profound choice Cobain makes in “Polly” is to make the protagonist of the song the rapist. The girl, whose name was not released, was tortured with a whip, a razor, and a blowtorch.The firsts words of the chorus, seems like a way for the offender to blame himself for what he do.This way to give seed to the victim can be intended in the way that he need to feed her with some food, but can be intended in a more sexual way, if we think about seed like the sperm.The man, abuses sexually for all the time that the poor girl was in his hands.Interesting is the part where he want to clip her wings.Is like if he don’t want that she can be free.But not only in that moment, but after and for the rest of her life too.Can be a way to stop her from escaping, but can be a way to decrease the freedom of the girl forever.The dirty wings are dirty because that not was what he ideally want for her.Here we can see the complete madness of the man.She cries and screams searching to attracting attention from people that can help her.But the man, instead see this act like a way for the girl to ask to him to continue the sexual abuse.In the mind of the rapist, she want to do everything in the right way to please him.Using this way to write this song, Kurt Cobain can go deeper inside the mind and the reason of the perversion of the rapist.Yes, he use rope to block the girl, but in the first time he tell to her that he don’t want to use the ropes if was not necessary.But the girl tries to escape and for the man this was another way to blame himself that have bonded the girl.And the reaction to act in that way is the respect for the promise that he made first.Another way to give to the girl all the responsability for the depravation and the mental illness of the man.This seems a problem for the man that need to think about this type of things.She ask to be untied.

The simplistic nature of “Polly” allows this message to stand bold and clear.Rocks Off is a digital collection of stories, articles, and music.Our content aims to be informative and entertaining, often discussing the ‘lesser-known’ moments in history.With a focus on the ’60s, ’70s, and ’80s, we aim to grow into the modern age as we grow ourselves.Read our monthly round-up of what's going on in the music world and enjoy a curated playlist!Sign up to our monthly newsletter & playlist!Go to Appearance > Customize > Subscribe Pop-up to set this up.Start typing to see results or hit ESC to close.Sign up to Our Monthly Newsletter & Playlist!Joni Mitchell: The Road, The Revue and Chögyam Trungpa,Cheryl Tiegs: The First “All-American Model”,Jayne Kennedy: Hollywood’s Female Trailblazer. The chord progression is just the same: E minor, G, D, C for the verses. Go to the source and start there.”,He continues, “I was talking to a friend of mine who went to a rape crisis center where women are taught judo and karate. Saying that her back hurting, maybe the rapist can be a little more off guard.The way the two are bored, is a way to say that all the two are more near mentally.But is only a way to escape and the man understands soon the true.In the last lines he think about the way the mind of  man ( or  a girl ) can act.That is the real ending of this sad story.Is really hard to stay inside the mind of a person with a mental illness.