sturm graz vs salzburg h2h

[status] => FT [season_id] => 484 [hts_B] => 0 [timestamp] => 1260109800 [league_id] => 181 [areaName] => Austria [area_id] => 143 [ta_name] => Salzburg [tb_country] => Austria [fts_B] => 1 [status] => FT [timestamp] => 1302971400 Sturm Graz VS SV Innsbruck will start on . [ctb_id] => 143 [fixture_id] => 168007 [team_B_id] => 3357 [hts_B] => [ht_score] => 3-0 [league_id] => 181 [league_id] => 187 [hts_A] => 1 [tb_name] => Sturm Graz [score_A] => 4 [ht_score] => 0-0 [season_id] => 8027 [tb_country] => Austria [hts_A] => 0
[date_utc] => 2017-04-09 [hts_B] => 3 [fts_B] => 2 [areaName] => Austria [team_B_id] => 49 [ta_name] => Sturm Graz [sp_match_id] =>

[hts_A] => 0 [team_A_id] => 3357 [hts_A] => 1 [date_utc] => 2007-04-14 [et_score] => [cta_id] => 143 [date_utc] => 2016-12-11 [fts_A] => 2 [attendance] => Sturm Graz got 8 wins, 5 draws and 9 losses in the past 22 games, and the winning rate is 36%.

[team_B_id] => 3357 [ht_score] => 0-0 [hts_B] => 0

[ta_country] => Austria [league_id] => 181 [fts_B] => 0 [fts_A] => 1 [sp_match_id] => 462500 [status] => FT [team_B_id] => 49

[tb_name] => Sturm Graz [leagueName] => Tipico Bundesliga

Inclusive of half-time, full-time results.Are you an expert in soccer betting?

[team_A_id] => 3357 [attendance] => [result] => D [ht_score] => 2-0 [neutral_venue] => 0 [status] => FT ),Array Overall FC Red Bull Salzburg … [seasonName] => 2010/2011 [fts_A] => 1 [attendance] => 12031

[fts_B] => 0

[area_id] => 143 [status] => FT [season_id] => 7934 [season_id] => 16209 [leagueName] => Tipico Bundesliga [status] => FT [result] => W [leagueName] => Tipico Bundesliga [et_score] => [areaName] => Austria [ht_score] => 3-2 [hts_A] => 0 [season_id] => 483 [neutral_venue] => 0 [hts_B] => 0 [neutral_venue] => 0 [area_id] => 143 [neutral_venue] => 0 [tb_name] => Sturm Graz [area_id] => 143 [status] => FT [ta_name] => Salzburg [team_B_id] => 49 [hts_B] => 0 [ctb_id] => 143 [tb_name] => Salzburg [tb_name] => Salzburg

Salzburg won 43 direct matches.Sturm Graz won 22 matches.19 matches ended in a draw.On average in direct matches both teams scored a 2.80 goals per Match. [team_B_id] => 3357 [tb_country] => Austria
[neutral_venue] => 0 [tb_country] => Austria

[ta_name] => Sturm Graz [status] => FT [timestamp] => 1329663600 [area_id] => 143 [et_score] =>

[timestamp] => 1342879200 [sp_match_id] => 1692671

[fts_B] => 1

[ta_name] => Sturm Graz

[score_A] => 3 [score_B] => 2

[tb_name] => Salzburg [tb_name] => Salzburg [timestamp] => 1145656800 [team_A_id] => 49 [hts_A] => 3 [league_id] => 181 [team_B_id] => 49 [tb_name] => Sturm Graz

[score_B] => 2 [hts_B] => 2 [hts_B] => 0 [ft_score] => 2-1 [neutral_venue] => 0 [tb_country] => Austria [season_id] => 478 [score_B] => 1 [fixture_id] => 166287 [ht_score] => 1-0 [fts_B] => 1 [seasonName] => 2009/2010 ( (

[areaName] => Austria [score_B] => 0 [ht_score] => 1-0 [ta_name] => Sturm Graz [fts_B] => 0 [sp_match_id] => 2999816

[areaName] => Austria [ctb_id] => 143 [team_B_id] => 3357 [ta_country] => Austria [season_id] => 478 [ctb_id] => 143 [tb_country] => Austria [season_id] => 483 [ctb_id] => 143 [team_B_id] => 3357 [score_A] => 2 [tb_country] => Austria [tb_name] => Sturm Graz [hts_A] => 1 [result] => D

[season_id] => 12973 [hts_A] => 0 [tb_name] => Sturm Graz [ta_name] => Sturm Graz [cta_id] => 143

[result] => L [cta_id] => 143 ( [result] => D [area_id] => 143 [timestamp] => 1290619800 [neutral_venue] => 0 [ta_name] => Salzburg

),Array [fts_A] => 5 ( [et_score] => [fts_B] => 2 [ctb_id] => 143 [ctb_id] => 143 [fts_B] => 0 [fixture_id] => 12027410 [fts_B] => 0 [ft_score] => 1-2 [result] => W [score_B] => 1 (

[ta_country] => Austria

[status] => FT [ta_name] => Sturm Graz [season_id] => 478

[result] => W ),Array [score_B] => 0 [areaName] => Austria [team_A_id] => 49 [tb_country] => Austria [league_id] => 181

[date_utc] => 2018-10-07 [area_id] => 143 [score_B] => 1 [timestamp] => 1236445200 [attendance] => [tb_country] => Austria [tb_country] => Austria This is the first time they meet, let's wait and see. [attendance] => ),Array


[timestamp] => 1123365600 [leagueName] => Tipico Bundesliga [sp_match_id] => 785038 [areaName] => Austria [ctb_id] => 143 [tb_country] => Austria