what is a good engagement rate for instagram influencer

Renowned celebrities or mega-influencers, with millions of followers, are often set as the benchmark of Influencer Marketing. The average Instagram account, though, has an engagement rate of 3%.

We found that engagement rate on Instagram averages between 8.5% - 9.95% The largest factor affecting Engagement rate is the follower count. 0Followers. This is due the posts reaching a smaller fraction of followers as the account grows. Engagement rates can be calculated by adding up all engagements on a post (likes, comments, clicks, shares), dividing by follower count, and multiplying by 100. …..Use of this website constitutes acceptance of the Smart Insights,Outpace your competition in a challenging SME market,Access a complete marketing survival kit to grow your business during a recession,Explore our Social Media Marketing Toolkit,Digital Marketing Strategy and Planning Toolkit,Digital Experience Management (Desktop/mobile website),10 common social media marketing mistakes,Smart Insights (Marketing Intelligence) Ltd. @handle. We do not include influencers with less than 2000 Instagram followers who generally have higher than average engagement rates due to their familiarity with their audience. For most people this is still unknown territory. Simply “Search” the Instagram handle you’re wanting to measure and discover the engagement percentage. 25-50K followers. An influencer’s engagement rate is one of the most reliable ways to predict conversions on Instagram. If your goal is conversions, an influencer’s engagement rate may … Engagement rates fluctuate due to post popularity and follower count changes. Below is an industry standard guideline so you can benchmark results:In summary, as an industry standard, an engagement rate on Instagram between 1% and 3% is generally good, it is the average we see on an influencer's profile. Our Instagram Earnings Estimator takes these factors into account. No scraping emails and outbound outreach with your inbound marketing. If the engagement rate is higher than 3%, that is a good sign that their audience is very engaged with their content, and if it is below 1%, it means their audience as a whole is not very engaged with their content.Keep in mind, a number of things influence engagement rate on Instagram, such as the time of each individual post, the frequency of posting, the number of followers, the content and messaging and the Instagram algorithm (and the limitations that sometimes come with it).So when you are deciding what influencer to work with, or comparing a cohort of influencers, make sure you consider engagement rate. You will want to increase this as you get better at producing content and delivering what your audience is looking for but that’s a good place to begin.
If you’re marketing on Instagram or working to become an influencer, anything between 1 and 3% is good. Engagement Calculator. Additionally, the engagement rate was highest when the posts were photo posts or carousels. If you compare that to an average engagement rate of up to 1% for Twitter and Facebook, you can see that Instagram users seem much … Engagement Rate. However, you can be spending big budgets on a large reach and still get very little ROI.Micro-influencers have a close-knit fan base, making their content more personalized, authentic and engaging for their followers. The average engagement rate on Instagram is 2.1 percent. The more followers an account has the less its engagement rate is. The report also found that the engagement rates varied greatly with the number of followers. The first option for calculating your Instagram engagement rate is to divide their total number of likes and comments (past 30 days) by their follower count, and then multiply by 100 to give you a percentage.To understand what the number actually means and whether it is good or bad. When you think of Influencer Marketing, names like Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner are the first to pop up. Looking at the top and bottom bars, the report also highlights that influencers with fewer than 2,000 followers have an engagement rate that is 151% higher than those with millions of followers. The costs for a campaign are also very different, because it depends on how the campaign is organized. Instagram engagement calculator. Any engagement rate above that, combined with a high number of followers, suggests that you are an influencer amongst your peers. No mass-spamming. Number of followers. There is actually no set formula for determining how much you should pay an influencer. Source: Influence.co - Instagram …