wound sentence


8. Home > Wound in a sentence. There stands the wee dog on his hind legs, his wound bandaged, a gun-belt strapped around his middle. Looking for sentences and phrases with the word wound?


4. blay_paul 309123 Her feelings are easily wounded. The Wound in a sentence . 0. 5. Any other would have died of the wound. sharptoothed 319440 The wounded are getting better. The wound was at once a pain and a delight.The wound in the abdomen was closed with sutures.The wound on the head was again examined.The wound was there but the pain had ceased.The wound is in all probability suppurating.The Wound in a sentence | Short example sentence for the wound,Saccharine in a sentence | Short example sentence for saccharine,Whensoever in a sentence | Short example sentence for whensoever,Slip Down in a sentence | Short example sentence for slip down,Despatch in a sentence | Short example sentence for despatch,Haint in a sentence | Short example sentence for haint,Predicated in a sentence | Short example sentence for predicated,Gazelle in a sentence | Short example sentence for gazelle,Exposition in a sentence | Short example sentence for exposition,Rightly in a sentence | Short example sentence for rightly. The trail woundaround pine trees and over rock outcroppings. CK 1 2237350 Tom looks wounded. 7. You should call the doctor if the area around the,30. On several of the satellites, we wound up having to re-attach the wire leads in order to make good contact. Marie bandaged the wound and told us to go away and let her deal with her patient. 2. A great spurt of blood came out of the,26. 19. CK 1 2203591 You're wounded. The surgeon sewed up the wound. Stripping the shirt from his back, he bound the.Copyright © 2016 sentencedict.com All Rights Reserved Contact. 2111666 I'm wounded. Here are some examples. CK 1304629 The wound left a scar on my arm. 2542180 Tom was wounded in the attack. You'd better wrap a clean cloth around your arm till the,24. Sentencedict.com is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.29. One of them examined the wound. The Word "Wound" in Example Sentences Page 1. Wound in a sentence up(2) down(1) Sentence count:206+48Posted:2016-12-01Updated:2016-12-13. The wound is nothing. Synonym: bruise, damage, grieve, harm, hurt, infuriate, injure, irritate, madden, offend, pain, provoke, sting. CK 1 2272704 Tom has been wounded. 18. 1. Despite the large amount of blood, it was only a flesh,29. CK 1 292535 He was badly wounded. The wound on my arm has healed. Apparently the wound was not serious. Twas you who inflicted the wound! She tried to stop the flow of blood from the,25. CM 2642449 The doctor examined Tom's wound. 0. Short Example Sentence for The Wound . You have seen the wound? 41 29 The woundhealed, leaving the drops on his thumb. CK 1 2107658 Tom's wounded.

Then they bound up the wound. CK 2474184 Blood flowed from the wound. CK 505375 He was bleeding from his wounds. He looked at the wound again. CK 1 2244730 Tom was wounded. Wound-up sentence examples. Her presence would have the same calming effect on Dusty, who was the most wound-up man Jule knew. Sentence Examples.

19. CK 1 2203590 Tom is wounded. First use some iodine to disinfect the,23.

The Word "Wound" in Example Sentences Page 2. 0. 3. CK 1 2273031 Tom is badly wounded. Blood was pouring from the wound. 0. The wages weren't all that great, but deducting rent, utilities and groceries from her present salary, it wound up being a good deal more. CK 1923420 This looks … CK 1 2958504 Tom was badly wounded. 6. CK 1 300690 … First use some iodine to disinfect the,13. Similar words: round and round, round, bound, around, ground, all round, founder, expound.