Japan earthquake 2011 death toll

"We think we have arrived at the point where we are very close to getting the situation under control," the deputy cabinet secretary, Tetsuro Fukuyama, said.Graham Andrew, a senior official of the International Atomic Energy Agency, said: "There have been some positive developments in the last 24 hours but overall the situation remains very serious. However, it was the resulting 10–15 metre high tsunami waves that wreaked havoc along the coastal plain, resulting in a death toll in the tens of thousands and an on‐going drama at the Fukushima I nuclear power plant. This Hollywood space offers a preview,Empty trucks, falsified records: How Louis DeJoy’s changes at the Postal Service brought chaos,We mailed 100 letters to test the Postal Service. Now, 6000 miles away, we criticize them and are worried about someone's radioactive fart reaching us. The fuel in the other reactors is uranium.The country's self-defence forces resumed work on Monday to cool down the No 4 and No 3 reactors with seawater. There will always be a doomsday scenario pushing the limits.

A further 452,000 people are living in shelters. This is the fourth largest earthquake in the world and the largest in Japan since instrumental recordings began in 1900. "The concern is more quakes, more aftershocks could cause more tsunamis.

A native of Rhode Island and irrepressible Red Sox fan, Williams speaks Russian, German, French and Spanish, and has reported from more than 80 countries. He loves all us equally(sorry to Christians who think he is only looking out for them). Really, if there were such a catastrophe on the horizon, wouldn't the nation's leaders be doing their best to allow for as much money to be made off of the hype as possible? "Somehow, we can hang in there, I hope. • Upgrades to group chats PLEASE HELP THEM STAY. IWAKI, Japan - Cooling systems failed at another nuclear reactor on Japan's devastated coast Sunday, hours after an explosion at a nearby unit made leaking radiation, or even outright meltdown, the central threat to the country following a catastrophic earthquake … All dates are listed according to UTC time. ",Roads and buildings showed cracks as far away as 200 kilometers (125 miles) from Sendai, the closest city to the epicenter. "We do believe that there is a possibility that meltdown has occurred. Japan Earthquake 2011: Death Toll Will Likely Surpass 10,000 JAY ALABASTER TAGAJO, Japan -- The death toll in Japan's earthquake and tsunami will likely exceed 10,000 in one state alone, an official said Sunday, as millions of survivors were left without drinking water, electricity and proper food along the pulverized northeastern coast.

Looking for the freshest news from CNN? Are you in an affected area?He also said that authorities are concerned over the possibility of another meltdown at a second reactor. All the idle chatter and opinion will do nothing!you guys hang in it will be fine be strong as possible stay strong.I may be really stupid so someone please help me understand. In a nationally televised address, he said an emergency response team had been deployed and international aid was en route.President Obama announced that another U.S. aircraft carrier was en route to assist another warship already off the coast of Japan, and other U.S. naval vessels were poised to provide relief throughout the Pacific areas inundated or threatened by the tsunami that continued to roll across the ocean.Japan has mobilized more than 8,000 troops and 300 aircraft to evacuate those stranded and move those displaced to areas where they can be sheltered and fed, Cabinet Minister Yukio Edano said.Get up to speed with our Essential California newsletter, sent six days a week.You may occasionally receive promotional content from the Los Angeles Times.Carol J. Williams is former senior international affairs writer for the Los Angeles Times.
",Edano's comments confirm an earlier report from an official with Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency, who said, "we see the possibility of a meltdown. The US intentionally dropped nuclear material on Nagasaki and Hiroshima but these people not only survived like roaches but came back to kick our ass in technology. ".A meltdown is a catastrophic failure of the reactor core, with a potential for widespread radiation release. However, we are assuming that a meltdown has occurred," he said of the No. On Monday, it was reported that the No 3 reactor had experienced a surge in pressure that may require workers to vent radioactive steam, a tactic that set off hydrogen gas explosions at the facility last week.The government's chief spokesman, Yukio Edano, conceded that the buildup of pressure was unsettling. SENDAI, Japan — Japan reeled from a rapidly unfolding disaster of epic scale on Sunday, pummeled by the death toll, destruction and homelessness caused by the earthquake …