how old is angie watts

Angie and Den decide to keep their brief reconciliation quiet. The climax was a trip to.This storyline saw the separation of Den and Angie. Upon her return, she is in great pain, but hides it and marches over to The Queen Vic during the New Year's Eve celebrations and offers to come back to work, but only as Den's business partner and not his wife. After their final showdown, Angie gets into her taxi and leaves Walford. Den's clashes with Angie brought,During 1986 the series became dominated by Angie and Den's storylines and the focus of the programme was very much concentrated on their combustible relationship. Behind the scenes of their great business partnership, there is not much of a relationship. In the bar, Mary tells Angie that she saw the ambulance through her window when Annie woke up and her illness must have been bad. Background. Sharon accuses Den of not caring about Angie and that he doesn't want to know as she's the one that's been by her side. One morning, Angie finds herself clutching her side. Anita Dobson (born 29 April 1949) is an English stage, film and television actress, and singer.

Angie and Den dote on their spoilt teenage adoptive daughter, Sharon Watts, who carries on loving them despite her resentment of Den's affairs and Angie's binge drinking.Angie is good at putting on a front for the customers, dressing to kill, screeching outrageously with the girls, but inside she is crippled with depression. Desperate to hold on to her husband, she announces that she is.In 1987, Angie secures herself a job as the manager of The Queen Vic's rival drinking establishment, The Dagmar. Kathy later visits Angie after Sharon said she was family as Angie isn't well enough for visitors and Sharon says that Angie will wake up soon as she wakes up and goes to sleep. After closing, Pat shouts Den upstairs and Pat tells Den that she found Angie in terrible pain and crying. Den soon realises that she is seeing someone else, and although he does not care that she is with another man, he is concerned for the state of his business. By the end of the year, Angie finally loses her patience with The Dagmar clientele, and after punching one of the customers in the face, she leaves town for a couple of days.

Lofty Holloway, Simon Wicks and even Arthur Fowler are all subject to Angie's not-so-subtle flirting, but her only successful conquest is local builder, Tony Carpenter. Albert "Albie" Watts (also Kayden), is the son of Sharon Mitchell and Keanu Taylor and is the half-brother of Dennis and Peggy. Angie has a theory that Den is paying the doctors to keep her in and Den doesn't need a reason to do such a thing. Her relationship with Den was often a rocky one. Angie points out she is a alcoholic and always has been and always will, meaning she'll always want a drink, but she isn't going to.

Angie and Den decide to keep their brief reconciliation quiet. She was also the adoptive mother of Sharon Watts. Later that day at The Vic, Angie goes into the back and Angie develops another pain as she tries to hold back her tears. Angie vows to Den that she will not touch another drop of alcohol and this time, she really means it. Sharon brings Angie's body back to Walford to be buried in the local cemetery. Angie and Den married in February 1968 and they tried for a child of their own for almost 5 years, however, she and Den were unable to have children of their own. Den thinks that is the best thing or she'll end up back in hospital or worse and Angie knows that she shouldn't kill herself over drinking. Den insists he looks after his own and the consultant informs him that they will be discharging Angie in a week.As Den is about to leave the hospital, he is stopped by a sister, who tells him that Angie is expecting him and he tries to leave, but Angie notices him.