kelly slater breakfast

He’s been the worlds greatest surfer for over 20 years and he’s showing no signs of slowing down. Kelly Slater. 1 packed cup fresh spinach. Kelly, of course, eats other foods for breakfast from time to time but as he says in the videos these are his staples every morning if he’s going to eat anything.Kelly has been a long-time advocate of chia talking about their benefits and ability to make you feel full, these tiny seeds of goodness have been in Kelly’s staple daily diet for a long time.Because of Kelly’s natural nature, he reads everything especially food labels and ingredients, he likes to make sure what he’s eating is good for him and eat as many whole foods as possible. What Does Kelly Slater Eat For Breakfast? 1 tablespoon chia seeds, such as The Chia Co Black Chia. I do vegan smoothies–it’s just fruit and almond milk or a coconut milk. Cabinet for your clothing and belongings. If you check out Kelly’s Instagram you will see the majority of his meals are more plant-based and raw, based around fresh produce and not too many variations of food, keeping it simple.Adding variety of the same nutrient is the best way to attain great full body health, for instance if you get all your protein from chicken why not try and get all of the other amino acids from a whole range of food sources like beans, chickpeas, lentils, quinoa, peas and hemp,  you will get none of the saturated fat or cholesterol but all of the benefits of eating a variety of different nutrients.If your into stand up paddleboarding you probably want to spend more time doing it and would love to get to a better level where you fall in less, paddle faster and can surf more waves? When we arrived at the wave Bristol, we were pleasantly surprised and the incredible facility they have...5 top Tips to caTCH waves at "the wave bristol"5 Top Tips To Catching More Waves In 2019 were lucky enough to be some of the first to surf the wave Bristol which is the world first fully commercial wave garden using the cove technology. 1 cup almond milk. Kelly like a lot of pro athletes these days make sure his diet is on point, he is known to be one of the healthiest guys on the pro tour, but as a kid Kelly said it wasn’t always that way, as he ate lots of fast food and sugary snacks, but in his early 20’s he made a conscious decision to get healthier. Today, he’s surfing with as much power and fluidity as during his younger years, and he continues to push … Try.Get the BEST of Surf Girl Eats delivered to your inbox weekly—healthy recipes, sustainable living, and inspiring women from around the globe.We hate spam. I would eat acai for breakfast … What Kelly Slater Eats For Breakfast. There is a correlation between the two. Kelly talks about knowing the damage of what you put in your mouth, and the effects of the food you eat.Clean Eating & Sustainability are all about knowing where your food comes from and feeling comfortable putting that food in your body, respecting the food chain and making sure your food is sustainably sourced and the process should be a goal for anyone. I generally stick with fruit in the morning…. I’ve been eating chia for a number of years, but last year I was working out with a friend in Hawaii who said you can soak chia in coconut water overnight and eat it for breakfast. We have just sent you a confirmation email at.Click on Book Now to confirm your reservation. There is only 1 article tagged "breakfast".Check out these popular tags: In fact, his and other athletes’.Somehow, I still haven’t gotten tubed, though.Nevertheless, I’m digging a mostly plant-based diet and make a smoothie like this one nearly every day.I especially love the raw cacao nibs. Now like Kelly you may surf in a variety of conditions throughout the year, warm and cold water, and in those winter months having a high volume of fruit and veg can really help keep those colds at bay especially after a post-surf when your feeling run down.Smoothies are a perfect way to get a nutritional blast and a massive energy boost on those early morning rises, really helping to give you get hat instant energy you need to paddle out-back, so keep that blender handy and ready to go.Smoothies can help improve nutrient absorption especially when mixing dark green leafy vegetables like kale, spinach, collard greens, these nutrient powerhouses can be absorbed up to 3 times faster than chewing alone. Perfect for a pre-surf meal and full of energy to last the session, smoothies are perfect nutrition choices for Kelly’s breakfast.