neon maniacs review

This article contains images of a sexual nature, nudity & bloody violence*** W...WARNING! Next thing you know he's dead and the title comes up on the screen.Then the maniacs keep showing up and slaughtering people with their weird and unconventional weaponry. Mohawk is the energetic Indian Maniac who carries with him a spear and tomahawk. Author Comments. Costumes. My favorite part was probably when the "it's the end of the movie uplifting music the good guys won" music started when the good guys had not stopped but maybe one Neon Maniac, and then shortly after the movie just kind of....ends. He gets a good bit of screen time as well.Juice is the science fiction Maniac in that his body is covered in metal and he has the ability to electrocute his victims. For the title of the movie, Carducci used the title of a poem he'd written in college about the Hell's Angels. When we first "see the maniacs", it's at the beginning. Do you love all types of movies? For one, his hood gets removed and its discovered he has no head.venom5 - any way you could hook us up with a PDF of the Neon Maniacs script? During this time, there were some others interested in taking the reigns for this movie. Leading lady Leilani Sarelle appears to be a genuine actress and puts in a performance at a higher level than this hokey production deserves. You would think they would want to come from some place a little further away from the one thing that can kill them.There's one screen and every night they play the same double feature:Never and always adrift in the spirit of it all.Neon Maniacs is underrated 80s gold. You have the Maniacs themselves who are the centerpiece. Some movies are just so bad but so indescribably endearing they bring you around. Such is the case with.I appreciated the look back in time, but the story is all concept with little storytelling. Somehow, miraculously, it contains everything I like in a lot of other movies crammed uncomfortably into 90 minutes of pure enjoyment. p. 148-149.

There was about a half dozen people in attendance. I mean, there's a near endless stream of ideas in a dozen myriad dimension hopping fiends killing without rhyme or reason save for the sheer joy of it. The title itself seems to have caused some confusion with viewers. External links. Hey Gang, Neon Maniacs is still one of the strangest 80's horror films I've ever seen, and that's saying something.

Wrong sucka!! Directed by Joseph Mangine. His skills later prove to be his downfall. All images, unless otherwise noted, are the property of their respective copyright owners.Even More Content on Vantage Point Interviews!John Kenneth Muir's Reflections on Film/TV,Saturday Morning Flashback: The Ghost Busters: "The Maltese Monkey" (1975),Serving Time with Lee Daniels' "The Butler",Libraries as Safe Places in Horror Cinema – Case Study Two: Ginger Snaps: Unleashed (2004),Perfecting the Unscathing Skills: Shaw Brothers Studio musings,The Paris Neo-Nazi Massacre: Frontier(s) (2007),KOGARASHI MONJIRO: WITHERED TREE and SECRET OF MONJIRO'S BIRTH (both 1972),New Release Roundup for the week of September 15th, 2020,Full Moon Reviews - Horror, Sci-Fi, Action, B-Movies,El Poder de la Sangre de Dracula (Taste the Blood of Dracula) (Prueba la sangre de Drácula) (Вкус крови Дракулы) (Une Messe Pour Dracula) (Φίλησε το αίμα του Δράκουλα) (Drakula Vérének Ize) (Dracula, Paholaisen Lähettiläs) (Provem o Sangue de Drácula) (Blodsmak) (Wie Schmeckt Das Blut von Dracula?) Picking up the bone, he finds a black case underneath and opening it reveals some odd tarot like cards that have the various visages of the Neon Maniacs on them. Yeah, that's Decapitator. The actor playing Doc is Andrew Divoff whom horror fans will remember from the WISHMASTER movies among many other credits.NEON MANIACS (1986) got a spotty theatrical release, but again, financial troubles kept it from sustaining much theatrical play and it was soon forgotten about surfacing on video not long after. The six week scheduled, 1.5 million movie suddenly ran into financial problems of one sort or another as well as disputes with the producer ultimately shut the film down for three months. They're usually gritty, full of gore and sex, and can be unintentionally hilarious. It's definitely a time capsule movie in that it there is no way anyone would mistake it being made in any time period but the 1980's. The cards hidden inside the cows skull is never explained, nor is the origin of the creatures save for some brief shots that leave the impression they enter and exit our world through a portal (the scriptwriter confirms this, though).Also, after massacring Natalie's friends, they eventually come after her for reasons never explained. Apparently, judging by an old Fangoria article detailing the behind the scenes making of the picture, a number of scenes were cut, or simply removed from the script for time, or budget reasons. She wears…,Are they time travelers? Apparently scenes with him were shot but didn't make it into the finished movie. I….Wanted: Maniac for large group of mutant killers. I hope more people get the chance to see Neon Maniacs in the mean time, like it or hate it, Neon Maniacs:Nightbreed::Hobgoblins:Gremlins,My memories of this production are posted at, that was an amazing read, Nat. This entry features 53 pictures...When Italy's Sword and Sandal genre is mentioned, Steve Reeves is normally the first name that comes to mind. Dancing. I'd love to read it!Sorry for the late reply, I am just now seeing this. Suggestion: Use,Every feature film on the program at the New Beverly Cinema since Quentin Tarantino took over as programmer. This p...LONE WOLF & CUB: SWORD OF VENGEANCE ***WARNING! He's seen during the beginning slaughter and briefly at the end in the gym massacre. The trading cards have these monstrous faces on them. There's even a split second Buck Flower cameo!! However, even more problems arose to plague the picture. The maniac called 'Axe' takes a shot at a basketball goal with a human head and one of the reptilian scavengers catches the bloody noggin.As already mentioned, Carducci's script was very ambitious and contained a lot of potential for a true cult classic. Some sequences work beautifully and some of the action set pieces are exciting, but the disjointed nature of the film and lack of focus are painfully obvious resulting in a movie that is made all the more worse in that the script had an enormous amount of possibilities.