one flew over the cuckoo's nest stream reddit

That's funny that you didn't have an emotional reaction, we were all in tears! I know my oldest will be completely wrecked by the ending.
Kesey was involved in the CIA-financed study Project MKULTRA, at the Menlo Park Veterans' Hospital. Posted by 2 years ago. The Chief, I think saw a kindred spirit in McMurphy; they were both outsiders. Fantastic book.100% this. The patients were lovable, crazy, fun but rather tragic in that they had obviously accepted their fate, become so totally institutionalised that they believed themselves incapable of living in the real world (a similar theme to The Shawshank Redemption).Overall, a great film, definitely a modern classic. It’s told through The Chief’s perspective and really fleshes out the characters more than the film.I just finished reading it. It was one of few films to win the big five oscars, and I think this is Nicholson’s best performance. It gives me chills every time. Fucking nude women on playing cards! 83. In fact, several people I've talked to since didn't even know Chief was so central to the book's plot, because the movie relegates him to a side character. After Billy had sex he didn't stutter anymore, sure having a party with hookers is not the best way to treat mental patients, but going on outings, watching a baseball game, having fun in general was obviously very good for them and she just couldn't stand that because it was out of her realm of control.

In One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Nurse Ratched is introduced as the head nurse at Oregon State Hospital, who oversees a psychiatric ward with numerous patients. But the movie is some heavy shit too.

She straight up murders him with that sentence, because she’s mad that they flouted the rules. The movie criticizes the way institutions deal with mental illnesses. Her passive aggressive nature was probably more unsettling and perhaps she represented an encapsulation of Society that Nicholson’s character was fighting.

We just finished watching the juicy fruit fruit/first ElectroShock of McMurphy scene, and I'm already close to tears because I know what's coming. Fuck her to Hell!See One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is a fine movie, but honestly, it's a situation of the book being better. The fishing scenes were filmed in and around Depoe Bay, Oregon. This expanded out into the Merry Pranksters and the social engineering of the counterculture at that time.It expertly gaslights an entire social order, in part represented by Nurse Ratched.You were upset with Billy's death, yet you didn't find Nurse Ratched evil?It's a film that a lot of people have generally seen as it's a great pathway into a more mature, independent cinema. It explains much of OP questioned after watching the movie.When Nurse Ratched says to Billy, “What would your mother think?”. Considered a contender for best movie of all time. His terror at his mum finding out about his liaison with Candy was utterly real and believable. Ice in their veins.Glad you enjoyed it. Which is why these characters are so relate-able, they could easily be you or me.Another film very similar to this one is Cool Hand Luke with Paul Newman and an equally stellar supporting cast. Close. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts.Cookies help us deliver our Services.
For the first time (and I've seen the movie maybe 4 or 5 times), I felt like Nicholson was nothing more than a troublemaker and was constantly causing chaos.But I think that's the entire point of the story. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975) '70s. Fuck Nurse Ratchet! Nurse Ratched is the enforcement arm of the institution, trading in the jackboots of the Nazis for a pair of white support hose, and that is what makes her evil. I literally JUST finished watching for the first time and kept waiting for her to do something super terrible and she never really did.. I don't agree with everything she says/does, but for the most part she is just trying to run an orderly institution.She specifically takes it too far with this sentence, lashing out at Billy for the trouble they caused overnight. They were basically ignored unless it was time to feed, drug, bath, and group therapy. In fact, this was the second film in the history of the Academy to win all five major Awards, Best Actor, Actress, Film, Director and Screenplay. The music, the actors, the story, fucking Martini (DeVito) breaking a cigarette in half to get two nickels instead of a dime...An easy, modern takeaway is that the story is an expose of - and consequences to - those who would exploit "the system," both from the bottom up AND the top down. In the world that Kesey creates, mental hospitals are not just the place to hold those afflicted by illnesses of the mind, but like prisons, places to hold those last few sane men who refuse to buckle to the crushing pressure of societal norms. So devastating.I rewatched this just in the last month and I actually sided with Ratched through most of it. I can't wait to show my favorite movies to my kids if I have some one day. This is why I consider Brad Dourif a brilliant character actor.Kudos to all the other actors that played the various misfits and society rejects. Archived. Check it out if you get a chance!Trivia: Produced by Michael Douglas, who cast his roommate, Danny DeVito.Also trivia: some of the people used in the movie were patients of the Oregon asylum it was filmed in.And Michael had to tell his dad Kirk that he wasn't going to cast him as McMurphy--even though it was Kirk who owned the rights to the story and had dreamed of playing it for years.Also look for Christopher Lloyd as Taber.Brad Dourif is, indeed, completely underrated. This is one of those movies that I bought ages ago I but have never got round to watching.