eastenders duff duff moments

Character 2010 Count 2020 Count 1 Phil Mitchell 206 Ongoing 2 Ian Beale 141 Ongoing 3 Sharon Watts 138 Ongoing 4 Grant Mitchell 131 1015 5 Pauline Fowler 122 No change 6 Pat Butcher 121 2189 7 Michelle Fowler 112 1062 8 Mark Fowler 106 No change 9 'Den Watts 103 No change 10 Kathy Beale 101 Ongoing 11 Dot Cotton 101 2278 12 Peggy Mitchell 82 1668 13 Frank Butcher 73 No Change 14 Arthur Fowler 72 No Change 15 Billy Mitchell 68 Ongoing 16 Bianca J… This service is provided on News Group Newspapers' Limited's,Comments are subject to our community guidelines, which can be viewed,Ben Mitchell, played by Max Bowden, had the most 'duff duff' moments in EastEnders last year,Mel Owen, played by Tamzin Outhwaite, came in at a close second,Sharon, played by Letitia Dean, also had a dramatic year,Sharon enjoyed a steamy fling with toyboy Keanu,Mick Carter, played by Danny Dyer, clocked up just two 'duff duff' moments,Ian Beale, played by Adam Woodyatt, had a fairly quiet year only clocking up one 'duff duff',Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO). What a duff duff, #EastEnders!Straight back in there.

Feels like a lot happened in just 20 minutes. He had quite possibly the most depressing end for a long-time.Janine went peak evil for this cliffhanger, as she told her new husband Bazza that their marriage was a sham to make some money.

'That was an intense pasta pour.

"The Sun", "Sun", "Sun Online" are registered trademarks or trade names of News Group Newspapers Limited. But Angie's festive surprise was a grand cue for a classic 'duff-duff' and also became the most-watched episode of all-time, with 30 million viewers tuning in for the iconic moment.

Feels like a lot happened in just 20 minutes. EastEnders viewers were left heartbroken on Thursday as Daniel Cook dies just hours after girlfriend Jean Slater was given the all-clear from cancer.

#EastEnders.' News Corp is a network of leading companies in the worlds of diversified media, news, education, and information services.FROM jaw-dropping 'duff duff' moments, to the coining of iconic phrases such as ‘You ain’t my muvva’, here are 10 of.Valentines Day didn’t go to plan for Steve Owen back in 1999 when his ex Saskia Duncan rocked up at the E20 club and told him she’d aborted his baby.Steve ended up striking her in the head with an ashtray - and finishing her off.The unmasking of Lucy Beale's killer in an episode to mark the 30th anniversary of the soap knocked the nation for six.A shocking flashback revealed that Bobby killed his sister by hitting her over the head with a jewellery box.The nation were as stunned as the Brannings when.The moment of reveal has to be one of the most awkward episodes in EastEnders’ history.If only Dot had got her way and been able to watch the Queen’s speech instead.After the big reveal of the affair, things only got worse for Max when ex-wife Tanya Brnaning tried to bury him alive.With the help of her new lover Sean Slater, Tanya drugged Max and shoved him in a coffin before dragging him out into the woods.Luckily for Max, Tanya’s guilty conscience got the better of her and she eventually returned to dig him up.EastEnders viewers were left reeling when.And the villain couldn’t even leave it there - she followed him down the cliff, taunted him a bit more and then watched him die.Following the death of Jim Cotton from EastEnders, Dot taped him a touching goodbye message.It remains the only episode of the BBC soap in which only one character features.In what is undoubtedly one of the most iconic soap moments of all time, Sharon’s affair with her husband Grant's brother Phil came to light via a recording in which Sharon confessed to sleeping with Phil.Discovering the tape, a devastated Grant played it in the Queen Vic during Phil’s engagement party, before beating his brother unconscious.With Mel Owen keen to see history repeat itself, Sharon found herself racing her nemesis to the airport to meet Phil after Mel decided it was time to reveal her affair with Keanu Taylor.But Mel’s plan to get revenge on Sharon spiralled out of control as she found herself in a horrific car crash.Viewers then got another shock when Mel, having survived the crash thanks to the help of Sharon, was.After discovering that his wife Angie was lying about having a terminal illness, Den decided to get some sweet revenge.Den serving Angie with divorce papers instead of Christmas dinner remains the most-watched TV episode of any UK soap ever.The nation’s jaw dropped at the unforgettable confrontation between Kat and Zoe back in 2008.The iconic dialogue exchange as Kat revealed that Zoe was actually her daughter - “You can’t tell me what to do ‘cause you ain’t my muvva”/ “YES I AM!” - set the scene perfectly for an,Joe Swash surprises Stacey Solomon with epic £50,000 campervan for the family,Pubs & restaurants could shut completely within days in two-week lockdown,Amanda Holden and Jenni Falconer turn up to work in the exact same dress,Rita Simons finds love with co-star weeks after revealing marriage split,Noel Radford shows off the whopping pie he has to make his 22 kids for dinner,©News Group Newspapers Limited in England No.

For all those who love the eastenders duff duff moments No. What a duff duff, #EastEnders!Straight back in there.

For further details of our complaints policy and to make a complaint please click,Comments are subject to our community guidelines, which can be viewed,Peggy wasn't best pleased when Sharon rocked up as the pub's new owner in EastEnders.When Peggy was forced to sell the Queen Vic, she got into quite a tizzy about who’d be taking over the reigns.The landlady was then shocked to her core when the new owner turned out to be none other than her former daughter-in-law Sharon.Sharon nearly shocked her out of her skin with the sassy line: “Hello Peggy - bet you never thought you’d see me again!”,Janine pushed Barry from a cliff after telling him their marriage was a scam in EastEnders.EastEnders viewers were left reeling when Janine viciously told Barry that their marriage was a scam she’d carried out to get some cash.Barry refused to believe that it could be true, so Janine made a point of proving that she found him repulsive by shoving him from the top of a cliff.And she couldn’t even leave it there - she followed him down the cliff, taunted him a bit more and then watched him die.Stacey wasn't best pleased when her affair with Max was revealed to the nation,The nation were as stunned as the Brannings when.If only Dot had got her way and been able to watch the Queen’s speech instead.The moment of reveal has to be one of the most awkward episodes in EastEnders’ history.Bobby was revealed as his sister's killer in an EastEnders' cliffhanger.The unmasking of Lucy Beale's killer knocked the nation for six.Who knew the moment was going to be stolen by her little brother Bobby Beale?Den gave Angie the best Christmas present he could think of - divorce papers.After discovering that his wife Angie was lying about having a terminal illness, Den decided to get some sweet revenge.Den served Angie with divorce papers instead of Christmas dinner.Sharon handed her baby over to Karen in an emotional cliffhanger,Stacey killed Archie after he raped her in EastEnders.It was a surprise that even the cast didn’t see coming with Lacey Turner and Jake Wood only being told minutes before EastEnders’ first ever live episode.After watching her husband Bradley plummet to his death, Stacey revealed to a stunned Max that she was responsible for Archie’s demise.Phil was shot by a mystery assailant in EastEnders.It was a moment no one saw coming - a mystery assailant shot Phil from out of a bush as he stood shouting “I know who you are" into the distance from his doorstep.Viewers went mad theorising who the killer could be over the next month.Lisa gave Mel one hell of an exit at her funeral,Credit: WARNING: Use of this image is subject to the terms of use of BBC Pictures' Digital Picture,It has to be one of the soap’s most iconic and,Lauren’s DVD revealed Max and Stacey’s affair,Sharon made the heartbreaking decision to hand over her baby,Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO).

'Worst duff duffer ever. In your book, you talk about the importance of Duff Duff moments at the end of every scene. You ain't my muvva (October 2001) This content is imported from YouTube.