how do counterfeit goods affect the fashion industry

The public.perception of what quality entails is, therefore,Three distinct segments may be identified in the,market for fashion items according to their intrinsic,and perceived quality. Weighed against,these various arguments the moral rights of the de-,The issues become even less clear when the perpetrated by the fashion houses themselves.Firms in the fashion industry, like other luxury,goods, face a paradox of how to profit from exclu-,sivity. 1.

Mechanical characterization of samples shows that the application of fluorescein did not alter significantly the breaking strength and elongation at break of the fibers, even when using resins. make available products in high volume at low pri-ces. However, an examination of.the profit figures points to other reasons.There are numerous reports that the use of,‘‘sweatshops’’ is still common practice in the cloth-,ing industry (e.g.

However the phenomenon of counterfeiting is as old as couture itself.

According to this approach, intellec-,tual property rights, like other rights, should be,based on precedents or what others have done,in similar cases.

Fashion is an industry that produces essential items for human life, so manufacturers always need to know how to improve the relationship with customers, and make them repurchase. The commercialisation phase was given the least priority of all the activities. Our study of Michigan citizens found that most would support such increases, however, support declined when respondents were asked to consider financial and non-financial costs.

or, less contentiously, simplifying current designs to. Based on that perceived level of responsibility, he or she will plan a certain course of action and estimate how much moral approbation can be expected from that referent group based on that behavior. By arguing that people rely on the opinions of their referent groups when deciding how to behave, the paper also explains how organizational or environmental factors can affect individuals' ethical behavior. During the 1980s Gucci,expanded output rapidly.

Fashion designer ' s features like talent, creativity, innovative designs, consistent style, a designers will convince customers to trust and commit to their brand. Some,producers simply make cheap copies from the pic-,magazines. produced fashion goods industry is about copying.

To,coin an aphorism ‘‘imitation is the best form of,flattery’’ and in accepting this one must also accept,that within this boundary of ‘‘legitimacy’’ one will,find an inevitable optimal amount of ‘‘true’’ fraud,The ethical issue then arises in deciding when,copying is considered unacceptable. Buyers may attribute various degrees of,credence to the quality of these products but they can,The whole fashion industry relies heavily on cre-,dence.

In other cases a firm,such as Disney with a well-known brand name and,characters such as Mickey Mouse may license the use,of the brand or image in a fashion item.

A moral agent in an organizational predicament uses these four factors to determine the level of moral responsibility that his or her referent group will attribute to him or her. Most,manufacturers keep up sales volumes by leasing cars,at a huge discount to hire companies, who after,using them for a while, return them to the manu-.facturer with exceedingly low mileages on the clock.The manufacturer then sells the now ‘‘second hand’’,vehicle at a discount to their dealer network for sale,as used vehicles. Innovation Management, scientific, and technological changes require a true understanding of the idea formation process to its

For example, pat-,ents originated from the fourteenth century practice,of issuing ‘‘letters patent’’ or official documents from,the sovereign publicly conferring certain rights and,privileges. All rights reserved.6% of world trade, with sectoral estimates quoted,Utilitarianism or ends-based reasoning which,Distributive justice or an equity-based reason-,The Moral Rights of Man perspective, which,Ethical Relativism that uses a ‘‘comparison-,vanity fakes or low intrinsic, low perceived,overruns or copies made from left over mate-,condoned copies made by other designers or.copies made by the fashion houses themselves,3.47 per day. The agent then compares this anticipated level of moral approbation to the minimum that he or she can tolerate.

Hire companies will even do this on,their own account if the manufacturers will sell to,them at a large enough discount. At the top end of the quality,spectrum, both actual quality and perceived quality,are high.